Nnninternet social networking risks pdf files

This document recommends mitigating the social media risks. Ethical discussions usually remain detached or marginalized from discussions of research projects. However, con artists, criminals, and other dishonest actors are exploiting. Identify ways you have lost data in the past and mitigate those threats. Feel free to use and reproduce this textbook with citation. This white paper will look at some of these risks and identify possible. The social psychology literature often sees the use of positive affect pa and negative affect na to connect mood and wellbeing 5,36. Its an amazing platform for people to connect but it certainly isnt without its dangers. There are millions of people on the internet who are looking to meet other people and to gather and share information and experiences on a variety of topics.

A comparison of places online where youth sexual solicitation and harassment occurs. With such advantages, there are also increasing security challenges and risks to the users of social media. We chose not to employ the term networking for two reasons. It is essential nurses who use social media follow the guidelines provided and are aware of the pitfalls of social media before they start using it.

These include social, time, privacy and psychological risks as faced by the users of social networking sites. Snss social networking sites or online social networks are the most outstanding technological phenomena in the twenty first century. Because of its large user base, and large amount of information, they become a potential channel for attackers to. As one of the main purposes of social networks is to find other people, all major networks provide search functionality with different criteria. The risks of social networking in the update workplace. Further study should assess how adolescents view different risk behavior disclosures to promote safe use of the internet.

Social networking sites provide a platform for discussion on such issues as it is this media which majority mass rely on and extend warm support. Do not let peer pressure or what other people are doing on these sites convince you to do something you are not comfortable with. Educate employees about those threats and how to change their behavior, if necessary, to prevent future loss. Social networking websites have potential for both negative and positive consequences. Defense in depth use multiple layers of security throughout the computer network. Social networking sites, online gaming and keeping children. Networking emphasizes relationship initiation, often between strangers. A brief email intervention using social networking sites shows promise in reducing sexual references in the online profiles of at risk adolescents. The software can help team members to communicate effectively and you can spot potential issues early and nip them in the bud.

Inward sharing is the sharing of internal organizational documents. Hundreds of social networking sites have been created, and have attracted millions of users. Although use of social media is an important part of adolescents lives, the mental health impact. Various social networking sites are also valuable tools used by many companies and individuals to extend their contacts and deliver marketing messages. Online social networking presents both opportunities and risks. Furthermore, among online teens, 62% use the internet to get news about current events and politics, 48% use it to make purchases books, clothing, and music, and 31% use it to get health, dieting, or physical fitness information. Indeed 55% of this group accessed social networking sites at home at least once a week. Use strong privacy and security settings take advantage of the security options provided by social networking services.

Always use high security settings on social networking sites, and. Find out what the potential dangers are and how to deal with them to make sure your child can enjoy using the internet and these sites safely. Social networking, online gaming and using the internet is very popular particularly among children and young people. Employees must understand the risks associated with using social media, and employers must ensure that employees actually know what is expected of them and the consequences of misusing social media. Upon such rapid growth of these social media platforms. Why do deaf children and young people need to be taught about online safety. These are the most visited sites globally with an informal but comprehensive management tools. Mar 03, 2010 data analysis program s o r tools used to analyze dat a gathered from social networks. Social media continue to grow across the globe, and the united states federal government is no exception.

Social networking websites, security, privacy, cyber threats. You share pictures, post updates and reveal all sorts of personal information about yourself which makes these sites prime targets for criminal activity. Oct 03, 2016 social media can be a convenient and cost efficient way to generate goodwill and wordofmouth advertising. A word about social networking united states department. One such burning issue that has been overlooked in todays scenario is the impact of social networking sites in the changing mindset of the youth. Whether its called bulletin space myspace, wall or superwall facebook, or chatboard xanga, posting messages to. The nature of social networking having such a massive base of users who are unknown to you means that using it carries a degree of risk including becoming a target for cybercriminals. The journal psychological science notes that social media websites may be as addictive as alcohol or cigarettes. Hanneman and mark riddle of the department of sociology at the university of california, riverside. Learn how social media can be an avenue for accidental and malicious insider threats, and read up on how to mitigate the risk through.

The second hypothesis stated that sns users with more digital competence will encounter more online risk than those with less competence. I am sure you are familiar with the term social engineering, but have you ever considered what this term really means. However, at the same time, if you are not careful with how you use it, social media. Risks in online social networking, kids create their own personal web pages on sites like myspace, facebook and friendster. The risks of social networking page 2 security response people to share business contacts and job offerings. Yet the benefits of increased involvement through social media also raise new risks to the security of agency information. Online social networks threats hamza ahmed abstract.

Yet, the moral integrity of the researcher is a critically important. The effects of social networking on individuals video. Social networking can sometimes result in negative outcomes, some with longterm consequences. Does the use of social networking sites increase children. Internet social networking risks internetbased social networking sites have created a revolution in social connectivity. While we use the term social network site to describe this phenomenon, the term social networking sites also appears in public discourse, and the two terms are often used interchangeably. For a newcomer to the internet arena, social networking sites are an ever more popular way for people to stay connected. While using social media poses particular challenges for nurses, social media can also provide opportunities for connecting nurses with others, as well as enhancing and supporting nursing practice. This guide was written to help government managers, it staff, and end users understand the risks they face when turning to social media to accomplish agency missions, and to mitigate those risks. Each of these tools comes with its own set of security concerns which can put your information systems andor personal data at risk. May 07, 2012 project report of social networking web sites 1. Legal and ethical considerations for social media hiring practices in the workplace by andrew s. The popularity of social networking sites has increased.

Patrikakou abstract the rapid technological advances, the expansion of online media use, and the declining cost of mobile technology have introduced a communication factor that has precipitously affected parent involvement and the relationship between parents and children. I have listed and briefly annotated a number of resources and sites that will start you on your knowledge discovery for online social networking on the internet. The fbi discusses internet social networking risks social networking sites have created a revolution in connectivity. A survey of privacy and security issues in social networks. Other networks specialize in keeping in touch with your old friends from high school. Top 10 risks of social media religion communicators council.

Most of these threats linked with social networking are privacy concerns and spreading of false information. Which means people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds have access to them. However, con artists, criminals, and other dishonest actors are exploiting this capability for nefarious purposes. Top 10 risks of social media peter muir, an oftenfeatured speaker on social media and related topics, offers some thoughts that are useful to those of us in the. Using social media for the prevention of violence against. As with all things in life, there are dangers and then there are dangers. Latoneros recent work examines technology and human rights and the use of social media for emergency management. Podcasts are audio files with blogstyle or lecturestyle content.

Internet social networks are great places to meet and network with people sharing similar business interests. Enterprise social media risks can be costly and damaging. How to combat the top 5 enterprise social media risks in. We talk about our lives on our blogs, on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter, and on message boards pertaining to the work were doing. Through social media, people can use networks of online friends and group memberships to keep in touch with current friends, reconnect with old friends or create real life friendships through 3. An extensive literature search was conducted regarding social media use among adolescents and the benefits. How social networking works have you ever wondered how social networks manage to keep you in contact with a few hundred of your closest friends in close to real time. Be friendly and fair allow others to friend you instead of vice versa. Why and how should every business create and develop its social media sites. D scholar social informatics department of computer science comsats institute of information technology abbottabad, pakistan whether you are a social network addict, a novice dabbler, or you are thinking about trying.

Social media can help promote your business and connect with your customers online. What has changed is the nature of how we interact with our friends. In additi on to the affordances and risks of social networking in education, his research and teaching interests lie in teachers professional development, new learning technologies and online teaching and learning. Each study reporting potential benefits of facebook and other social networks, seems matched by studies finding risks of social networking, making it difficult to determine the effect of social networking on mental health. Social networking services offer unique risks, and you can minimize these risks by adopting good security practices. Internet social networking risks preventive measures at work. On these sites, young people share personal profiles, pictures.

Risks of social media in the public sector despite the fact that social media applications have many benefits, there are several forms of issues, challenges, and risks as well. You may risk professional opportunities, personal relationships, and safety by. You can avoid these risks and enjoy using social networking sites by following a few sensible guidelines. The first hypothesis, namely that children who use social networking sites will encounter more risks online than those who do not, is supported by the data. Some of the most popular social networking sites for teens include myspace, facebook, and bebo. After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain what social networking is and describe some of the possible effects that using social networking websites might have on people. Through social networking, many businesses have grown, and individual users have blossomed many great friendships and found support when needed. In fact, some researchers consider this aspect of research as an afterthought. There are primarily two tactics used to exploit online social networks. Individuals communicate and form relationships through internet social networking websites such as facebook and myspace. Vulnerability of social networking sites social networking sites are internetbased services that allow people to communicate and share information with a group. According to government statistics back in 2007, 55% of children aged 1215 who used the internet at home had created a page or profile on a social networking site, which equates to two in five of all this age group in the uk. Opening up files or hyperlinks attached to social me.

Pdf social networks and positive and negative affect. Once information is posted to a social networking site, it is no longer private. Digital and social media quickly are becoming universal in modern medical practice. His research focuses on emerging communication technology and social change. Around half of 1215s say they are interested in the news, increasing to almost all 1215s after prompting with a list of different types of news, including music, celebrities, sports and serious things going on in the uk and the world. Six keys to successful networking for entrepreneurs. At the same time, it helps identify and explore many of the potential negative consequences posed by social media in terms of brand, strategy, regulatory, legal. The information in the lesson plans will benefit all students in your school. Since people will use social media, with or without company approval, it is crucial to understand the line between social and business. Do not automatically download, or respond to content. A best practices guide for mitigating risk in the use of. Social networks and positive and negative affect article pdf available in procedia social and behavioral sciences 22.

Social media risks and audit considerations institute of internal auditors l. Social media is an excellent way to share the good moments and the. May reveal when you are home or away 101720 computer and internet security. Some might even venture to say business opportunities are formed and lost online, as our web presence becomes an integral part of our personal lives. Each of the various social networking sites is tailored to a specific need and is. This research is limited, however it provides valuable information presented in scientific articles in digital libraries. As part of this process, financial data required for the registration as pub. Risks and benefits of social media use adolescent psychiatry, 201 4, vol. While the advantages of social media are many, the lack of experience among users can leave your company open to serious social media risks that threaten the security and reputation of your business. Opinions expressed by forbes contributors are their own. The ethics of social research whyisethicalpracticeimportant. Whatever the risks, having a social media strategy and preparing your policy and procedures carefully beforehand can help you manage them. Such attacks are often successful due to the assumption of being in a trusting environment social networks create. Make a real connection the goal is not to get as many business cards as you can, but to make quality connections.

Social network data this page is part of an online textbook by robert a. We study risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns with regard to social networking websites among 205 college students using both reliable scales and behavior. When choosing appropriate options, err on the side of privacy to better protect your information. A comprehensive approach to managing social media risk. We know that the benefits of using social media are profound. Advantages and disadvantages of social networking rab nawaz jadoon ph. However, con artists, criminals, and other actors are exploiting this capability for nefarious purposes.

Enterprise social networking software is ideal for teams with members in multiple geographical locations as they can utilize the solution to communicate and collaborate seamlessly from wherever they are based. Reducing atrisk adolescents display of risk behavior on. Legal and ethical considerations for social media hiring. Do, discuss the risks associated with providers engaging in social networking activities and offer strategies to help protect both the physician and the. This internet miniguide on online social networking is a freely available download at the below subject tracer. The positive and negative effects of social networking sites on students studying and habits were examined in this research. Social network data introduction to social network methods 1. According to knowbe4, social engineering can be defined as the art of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving you employee in order to gain control over your computer system. Something as simple as clicking on the wrong link or downloading the wrong file could wreak havoc.

Social networking s good and bad impacts on kids date. Internetbased social networking sites have created a revolution in social connectivity. Guidelines for secure use of social media by federal departments. Social networking sites are now a primary source for communicating and keeping in touch with friends and family. Security and privacy related to social networking sites are. Aug 08, 2018 an australian report on the legal risks associated with the use of social networking sites has found that while 95 percent of students use social networking sites, nearly 30 percent did not think. Social media is important to communicate with people, shareask information, and followevaluateinterpret the events, etc. The effects of social networking sites on students. The research on social networks and social media sites as a facilitator of those networks and discussions is critically important. Indeed 55% of this group accessed social networking sites at. As opposed to private emailing, think of this space as a virtual bulletin board that all online friends can view. Social networking is a way for people to connect and share. Most social networking sites allow friends to post messages and notes on each others social networking page. Hazelton and ashley terhorst department of educational leadership, research and technology andrew.

Use uptodate antivirusanti malware software on your computer to block any harmful files that you may. The risks and liabilities from corporate social networking. Social media risks at your company hub international. Schill 2011 reported that social media is the negative impacts anxiety, behavioral changes, mental health problems, psychological effect, severe loss of personal productivity, stress, a sense. Knowing the risks and establishing company guidelines is a step in the right direction. This accenture paper, a comprehensive approach to managing social media risk and compliance, acknowledges the power and importance of social media to businesses in every industry. Oct 22, 2009 social sites such as facebook and myspace are a big hit nowadays. Dec 27, 2012 the risks and liabilities from corporate social networking. Federal bureau of investigation fbi internetbased social networking sites have created a revolution in social connectivity. Online social networking 2018 virtualprivatelibrary. The more information you post, the more vulnerable you may become. Still, without question, social media interactions do stimulate the pleasure centres and dopamine production in the brain. In order to provide understandings and answers to this issue, the report will start by presenting the notion and concepts of social media and its relation to marketing, defining the terms and their features. If you think you may be addicted to social media, take a.